Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday CHEER

Send your own ElfYourself eCards


  1. Logan loved the elf dance with him and Dawson. While I was making our family one, he kept saying I want to see the elves dance, before it was takes forever to get all 5 pics. How do you get it on your blog? Did you pay for the download? I can't figure it out. I can only email it. For the 5th elf I have Larry with a goatie, it is pretty hilarious. Logan said he was the one with the glasses, I didn't tell him it was Colton.

  2. Cute! You are so talented and clever. Really, How did you do that? Merry Christmas! Thanks for being awesome neighbors.

  3. Debbie, that is too cute. I was on Jodi's blog and linked onto yours. Your NY trip looked awesome. I loved your post about Jon getting better. I didn't know you then but I had heard that Jaden's dad was not well. Its crazy to see how sick he really was. I'm so glad he's better. I hope Emma and Jaden get to hang out some more soon. Merry Christmas!
    Angie P.

  4. So cute! We loved it. Madi watched it with me and wants to watch it again. You guys are awesome. I missed commenting on your New York trip. That looked so fun! You guys did so much. I'm still waiting to go there someday. We miss you and hope you are well and have a Happy New Year!
