It's always a bittersweet that first day back to school. There is excitement in the air and a little fear in the eyes of the children. Moms, too, may have a little something in their eyes, some a sparkle, and some a tear. For me, it reminds me that I'm one year closer to them leaving the nest for good, and that is always a little sad for me. We have to enjoy them while we've got them! I could have time stand still right now in my life and be completely happy, but that is not the case. So I will try my best to bend with the changes that are coming in the lives of the little precious ones in my family, and grow into new stages of life. Hopefully, we will continue to find as much joy in the future as we are filled with at the present.
Gibbons Extreme Makeover - Family Edition - 2012
12 years ago